BackChat Blog
SLP Mum of Three boys
Keep up with real life stories of Olwen’s life as a Mum of three, very busy boys and with her usual candidness, she opens up about her kids’ struggles. Honesty and keeping parenting very real is her policy, so this Blog will not disappoint fellow Mums.
Traditional SLP Tips
A more traditional Speechie Blog in which Olwen introduces her interest in the emerging field of neuroscience, and how it relates to language and brain development in young children. With tips and tricks, and lots of helpful pictures from the BackChat household, this will suit Mums wanting to extend their little ones during those critical first five years.
Social Justice
A Social Justice Blog
As a paediatric SLP working across both the private and disadvantaged sector with children – and as a Mum of boys that have struggled developmentally – Olwen brings her unique insight and experience as both a mum & therapist, to highlight issues related to child development, outcomes and child and family well-being in this country.